The CPBA Annual General Meeting was held in mid February. Since then, each member has had a chance to settle into their roles and we are please to announce our 2019 CPBA Board of Directors and their roles.
Trevor has been in the Vancouver bar industry for close to 20 years. He is a founding member of the Canadian Professional Bartenders Association and is a Cocktail Apprentice Leader at Tales of the Cocktail. We often call him Dad at CPBA events.
President Role Outline:
-Chairs all meetings of the society and of the directors
-Acts as the chief executive officer of the society
-Co-ordinates and directs the other officers in the execution of their duties
-Represents CPBA BC Chapter to members, corporate sponsors, and media
-Is the liaison with CPBA Chapters across Canada as well as other Organizations & Guilds and represents
-Informs the Newsletter committee of key items that need to be communicated to members
-Communicates with other directors as needed to ensure the smooth running of the organization
-Seeks input from members, directors and corporate sponsors for ideas on events
-Oversee specific duties or committees as needed (Education, Competitions, other)
Amber is the Boss Lady behind the bar at the award winning Keefer Bar in Chinatown. She’s talented, hardworking, fun to be around and probably has the best laugh of the entire board.
-Works with president and assists with the presidential duties
-Chairs meetings and carries out the other duties of the president during the president’s absence
-May be assigned additional duties by the President as needed
-Communicates with other directors as needed to ensure the smooth running of the organization
-Informs the President of issues and opportunities and provides recommendations for appropriate courses of action
-Oversee specific duties or committees as needed (Education, Competitions, other)
Robyn is the Head Bartender of the Hotel Georgia. He is known as the friendliest and most helpful guy you’ll ever meet, as well as the legendary Clover Club birthday parties his parents throw for him every summer when he’s not at Tales.
-Conducts the correspondence of the society excluding that under the jurisdiction of the Communications Director
-Keeps minutes of all meetings of the society and directors. Distributes to directors & members as needed
-Has custody of all records and documents of the society, except those required by the treasurer
-Informs the President of issues and opportunities and provides recommendations for appropriate courses of action
-Communicates with other directors as needed to ensure the smooth running of the organization
-Provides administrative support as needed
-Oversees specific duties or committees as needed, under direction of President
Ky works with Chris Chuy, our Events Coordinator, at Lavish Liquid Bar. He can often be found making jokes with Carolyn, our Communications Director. He is the more appropriate of the two.
-Actively recruits new members through participation in Membership Drives
-Keeps registry of new members
-May collect membership funds and passes these on to the treasurer
-Maintains all paperwork in regards to membership forms and submissions
-Co-ordinates printing of membership and corporate supporter cards for the directors and liaises with Corporate Liaison
-Sends out receipts and member cards as people join up within established timeline
-Works with Newsletter team to coordinate membership renewal notices to be sent out via Constant Contact to all members as needed
-Informs the President of issues and opportunities and provides recommendations for appropriate courses of action
-Communicates with other directors as needed to ensure the smooth running of the organization
-management & distribution of Challenge coins and other membership items when available
JS is an OG in the industry. He is the Beverage Director of Wentworth Hospitality Group (Homer St, Tableau) and our resident French Canadian on the board.
-Keeps the financial records, necessary to comply with the Society Act
-Provides financial statements to the directors as requested and to members at the AGM
-Keeps records maintained/updated and available for CPBA audits
-Maintains the bank account
-Co-ordinates payment of bills as required
-Provides assistance to the Event Coordinator on financial budgets for events and meetings when required
-Informs the President of issues and opportunities and provides recommendations for appropriate courses of action
-Communicates with other directors as needed to ensure the smooth running of the organization
Jon owns liquor distribution company, Sovereign. He is known for his outgoing personality, charming smile and vast knowledge of absolutely everything in the industry. If you’re ever bored, ask Jon literally any single question and he will have several 20 minute answers waiting for you.
-Represents the collective views of the corporate supporters to the board
-Helps to develop and enforce CPBA criteria and standards, ensuring each Corporate/Associate Supporter is upholding those standards
-Assist with the promotion of corporate supporter events, articles etc through social media when possible.
-Ensures CPBA BC Chapter corporate contact information is kept up to date & CPBA is supplying Corporate members with promised items
-Coordinate with Creative team to ensure the corporate supporters’ details, logo and member benefits are listed in CPBA BC Chapter web site
-Acts as a conduit to the Communication Director for news from the corporate supporters that should be circulated via newsletter
-Ensures corporate sponsors get their logo in any communication applicable to members (newsletters discussing those topics, events, promotions, competitions etc.)
-Recruits new corporate supporters with the assistance of the executive and a volunteer team to help reach outer areas
-Provides input to the Vice President regarding any events that may involve corporate sponsors
-Annually invoices the corporate supporters upon renewal time
-Follows up with corporate sponsors that indicate they are not renewing, to find out why and report back to the board
-Informs the President of issues and opportunities and provides recommendations for appropriate courses of action
-Communicates with other directors as needed to ensure the smooth running of the organization
Carolyn can be found behind the wood at Gotham Steakhouse & Cocktail Bar. She is obsessed with finding another cat to adopt and loves telling inappropriate jokes.
-Coordinates consistent branding and message to newsletter, website, Mixers etc
-Newsletter coordinator and final proofer. Co-ordinates formulation and distribution of the weekly electronic newsletter
-Monitors the maintenance of current content for the CPBA BC Chapter web site via Creative Director
-Writes/sources articles on CPBA BC Chapter events for Newsletter
-Drafts communications to the media with input from the President and the other directors and delivers these to the media with the approval of the board
-Informs the President of issues and opportunities and provides recommendations for appropriate courses of action.
-Communicates with other directors as needed to ensure the smooth running of the organization
(Social Media, twitter, facebook)
Devin moved to Vancouver just over a year ago from Edmonton. She is a lover of dogs and owns a Boston Terrier named Chloe. This industry is her passion. Favourite cocktail: Toronto
-Coordinates consistent branding and message to all social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter etc)
-manages frequent content to be displayed on website, facebook page and twitter feed
-Communicates the latest developments on CPBA events and those of corporate sponsors to CPBA members through Facebook and Twitter
-continually looks for opportunities to expand CPBA into the Social media world (new platforms, industry uses, beneficial apps etc)
-Informs the President of issues and opportunities and provides recommendations for appropriate courses of action.
-Communicates with other directors as needed to ensure the smooth running of the organization
Chris is the mastermind behind his events company, Lavish Liquid Bar. He is an industry veteran with the sense of humour that all dads can appreciate.
-Seeks input from members, directors and corporate supporters for ideas on events
-Seeks opportunities to work with our Corporate Supporters to help support their events
-Oversees the Events Sub Committee
-Co-ordinates planning (budget, supplies needed, ticket price etc), promotion and implementation of events
-Co-ordinates volunteers at events
-Co-ordinates with sub committee to execute event needs
-Informs the Communications Director of planned events for social media and newsletter
-Promotes CPBA initiatives at industry events and throughout the cocktail and bar & restaurant communities
-Helps to execute membership drives with Membership Coordinator
-Co-ordinates ordering of promotional supplies
-Communicates with other directors as needed to ensure the smooth running of the organization
-informs the President of issues and opportunities and provides recommendations for appropriate courses of action
-Communicates with other directors as needed to ensure the smooth running of the organization
Cam oversees the bar program at Clough Club and Lamplighter. He probably knows more about the science of drinks than anyone on this list. Have a technical question about absolutely anything? Ask Cam.
-Seeks input from members, directors and corporate supporters for ideas on education
-Seeks opportunities to work with our Corporate Supporters to help educate their employees (ex. Distillation, ingredients, not just “good juice”)
-Oversees the Education Sub Committee
-Creates and maintains online education component on the CPBA BC Chapter website
-Creates and maintains an education brochure that can be take to our Corporate Supporters for training purposes
-Informs the President of issues and opportunities and provides recommendations for appropriate courses of action.
-Communicates with other directors as needed to ensure the smooth running of the organization
Brice is the founding member of Omakase Consulting, and also has a new and exciting youtube channel, where he covers everything from classic cocktails, to book reviews. Sorry, Carolyn, no cat videos yet.
Community Outreach & Special Projects Manager Role Description
-Assists Corporate Liaison and Events Coordinators with follow up on outside sales correspondence
-Assists on project management as developed by the board
-Is responsible for organizing volunteer/community outreach for special projects that relate to members and other, like-minded organizations
-Is responsible for assisting in curating and managing website content as related to community projects.
Max is 100% the nicest guy on our board. He is originally from the Okanagan, so this role is a no brainer for him. After spending over two years at Juniper, he is off on a new adventure that is completely his own. Needs to connect with someone outside of Vancouver area? Max is your man.
-Connect with smaller market bartenders and bar operators to encourage CPBA activity outside of major cities
-Work with Corporate Liaison to encourage offerings of brand ambassadors and educators to visit and create an impact on smaller markets outside of Vancouver
-Work to spread the values of the CPBA to smaller markets through education and opportunities
-Informs the President of issues and opportunities and provides recommendations for appropriate courses of action.
-Communicates with other directors as needed to ensure the smooth running of the organization
Jayce is the Bar Manager of the award winning Clive’s Classic Lounge in Victoria. If you need a connect in Vancouver Island, Jayce is your guy!
-Connect with smaller market bartenders and bar operators to encourage CPBA activity outside of major cities
-Work with Corporate Liaison to encourage offerings of brand ambassadors and educators to visit and create an impact on smaller markets outside of Vancouver
-Work to spread the values of the CPBA to smaller markets through education and opportunities
-Informs the President of issues and opportunities and provides recommendations for appropriate courses of action.
-Communicates with other directors as needed to ensure the smooth running of the organization