Many of you will remember last year’s Connect Show when the CPBA took over the Beverage Zone. Well, they’ve invited us back to host yet another year of Seminars, Demos, Discussions & Competitions. This year’s Connect takes place over the following two days:
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 – 11 to 5 pm
MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 – 10 to 5 pm
Vancouver Convention Centre West – Exhibit Hall C
We are very early in the planning stages of our activity at this year’s Connect but expect some or all of the following:
A unique Black Box Cocktail Competition (Sponsor TBD – Expect a competition like you’ve never seen before)
A Qualifier round for the next season of Barate Kid
Demos, Seminars & Discussions on today’s hottest hospitality topics.
As with any event of this size and attendance, it takes a lot of hands to put it together. We’re currently accepting applications for volunteers and helping hands.
We are also looking for submissions for seminar topics. If you have a seminar idea you’d like to present to the attendees of this year’s Connect, we have 4 seminar slots we are looking to fill.
Seminars from last year were the Cocktail Competition Conversation with Diageo World Class finalist Grant Sceney, Cost of Sales & Running profitable Programs with CPBA President Trevor Kallies, A Look into the World of Cognac with Certified Cognac Educator Gez McAlpine, Cocktail Photography & Writing with JustCocktails.org’s Tarquin Melnyk, and a Brief History of Cuban Rum with Donnie ‘Havana’ Wheeler.
We’re looking to provide the attendees of the Connect Show our insight on cocktails, spirits, hospitality or other. This is a great opportunity for you to showcase your expertise.
If you are looking to get involved in Connect as a CPBA volunteer please visit this link.
(volunteering is for CPBA only – you will not be required to do anything for the show itself)
If you have an idea/topic for a seminar you’d like to present to attendees, please visit this link.
More information on the two cocktail competitions to follow via this page, Facebook & Twitter. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments section or email BartenderBC@gmail.com
Alternatively you can go to www.connectshow.com and click on REGISTER.