Twitter time – describe your job in under 140 characters:
Energetic, hectic, fun, challenging, lots behind the scenes, very rewarding with many laughs and part super women #chickswithmixingsticks
How did you start in this business? What was the inspiration for your career route?
I’ve been in the service industry since high school. Started as “just a job”, moved to Jasper and realized this was more than a job. I moved to Vancouver, in late 2009 and decided to go back to school, taking a in bachelor of Hospitality Management, knowing that I’d be a lifer in this business. Bartending felt like the right step to take to advance my career, timing is everything, Lauren Mote told me about an opening behind the bar at West with David Wolowidnyk and the rest is history.
What’s the latest trend or next big trend you see in bartending?
I’d like to see sherry used more often in cocktails. It’s such a versatile product with a large range of different notes, textures and sweetness levels.We currently have two cocktails on our season page and one on our signature page using sherry, two fino and the other a cream style, very different cocktail.
What’s the best part of what you do on a day-to-day basis? And what’s the most challenging part?
The best part of my day to day is the people I get to work with, both guest and colleagues, they are the reason I go into work everyday. I spend as much time at work as I do at home, its very much a family for me, its never a struggle to goto work.
I’m a workaholic, there is always something to be done, the most challenging part is to know when to stop working, get out of the pile of paperwork and enjoy the rest of the day.
Do you have a definitive cocktail style?
Spirit forward, smooth, elegant with a side of danger.
What’s the most memorable moment you’ve ever had working behind a bar?
The moment I caught myself telling a guest the history of the Manhattan (Rye vs Bourbon) and I didn’t skip a beat. (See David, I’ve been listening!)
What’s the next step for you when it comes to tending bar?
I’m not sure, the possibilities are endless, it is what you make of it. Right now is creating more cocktail and keeping with season and trying to stay ahead of the trends (maybe even set one). More education is always on my agenda, hosting seminars, working more closely with brands. This could really go anywhere. Stay tuned to find out what will happen.
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